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At Earthyard we continue to use packaging that is preloved and recycle as much as we can.
At Earthyard we continue to use packaging that is preloved and recycle as much as we can.
Protecting our Blue Planet

Protecting our Blue Planet

Australians have a deep bond with our oceans. Travellers to our great land come for the beaches. It’s such a huge, ingrained part of our existence down under – even those in the rural outback have a connection to sea. And so, we should, here on the largest island in the world an understanding of the importance of our oceans is taught to us in early schooling years.

AS the ocean produces over half of the worlds oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere, the mass of water that covers 70% of our surface is under threat, is absorbing more pollution, reducing its ability to transport heat from the equator to the poles thus regulating our climate and weather patterns.

Climate change and the ocean

Understanding the role our ocean plays in climate change and how in turn climate change impacts our ocean is a deep dive into a pool of statistics, science, and pages upon pages of theory, but here are five facts that we think are pretty important when gauging the significance of why support for our ocean matters:

  • Our ocean is the single largest eco-system on Earth. This is our planetary life support system
  • Overfishing, climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, invasive species and human exploitation have put our oceans at risk and there is no areas that has been untouched.
  • 16% of all animal protein consumed globally comes from our ocean – the oceans could become a more sustainable approach to feeding our planet if managed correctly.
  • Our history lies in the depths of the ocean. Hundreds of fossils found in the depths of our ocean have been used and studied to document our evolution. Understanding where we’ve been helps us to better plan for where we’re going.
  • Rainfall and droughts are regulated by our ocean. Our entire agricultural force relies on regulation of drought and flooding rain in order to provide us with food and commodities – yes and essential oils.


Plastic waste in the ocean

It’s no secret that plastics contaminate our oceans and even though countries have begun banning single-use plastics, the millions of tonnes of plastic waste are feared to never be completely cleaned up. Plastic waste kills our fish, chokes out our reef life. Another reason why we are looking to research alternatives to plastic packaging for our range.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society believe that if things don’t drastically change there will be more plastic in our ocean than fish by 2050.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society

The Australian Marine Conservation Society was formed by a community of scientists and conservationists over 50 years ago who came together to take action. They advocate for real, evidence-based solutions based on the best available science and work closely with research centres globally.

Their programs range from protecting critical ocean eco-systems and marine reserves around Australia including Ningaloo and the Great Barrier Reef. They have led movements to ban whaling, stopped super trawling and protected threatened and endangered species like the Australia Sea Lion.

The list of achievements attributed to The Australian Marine Conservation Society is huge which just goes to prove their methodology is on point and they have an army of dedicated and passionate supporters who help them along the way.

Our Vision

earthYARD like many others would like to see a return to a plastic free ocean and will assist the process by funding those that know how to manage this process.
The fate of our oceans and our planet is dire, and we need rapid transformation.

Doing One Good Thing

There are too many things to do, and we all need to pitch in to create a clean and sustainable future. To help our oceans we will be donating an equal portion of our One Good Thing Fund to The Australian Marine Conservation Society to help them achieve their mission to clean up our oceans and fight for a blue planet.

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