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New year, new ideas and new space.
New year, new ideas and new space.


  • Growth of lavender industry in Australia

    Growth of lavender industry in Australia

    Interest in growing lavender in Australia has increased significantly over the last 5 years. There are now plantings in all States with the most interest in Victoria and southern NSW. The objective of this report is to review the current industry situation, including location, varieties grown, products and markets.
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  • Clary Sage Essential Oil Reduces Stress

    Clary Sage Essential Oil Reduces Stress

    Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) essential oil has been shown to attenuate both depression and stress either in vivo or clinically. This controlled trial investigated the potential effects of the inhalation of lavender, clary sage, or almond oil on stress alleviation in women undergoing urodynamic assessment.
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