Cinnamon Leaf Oil - Sri Lanka
Cinnamomum zeylancium
Cinnamon Leaf Oil has a warm, spicy and musky scent that's a little softer than Cinnamon Bark Oil. It is used in aromatherapy for its potential to calm depression and ease aches and pains. Like Cinnamon Bark, the Leaf Oil may help to strengthen immunity.
The leaf of the cinnamon tree is harvested fresh and steam distilled to create Cinnamon Bark Oil available here.
Our Cinnamon Leaf Oil is extracted from the leaf of plants grown in Sri Lanka and has undergone extensive testing to ensure its high quality.
Recommended for blends, candles and burners. Blends well with Eucalyptus Blue Malee Oil, Rosemary Oil and Neroli Oil.
Care Instructions Do not ingest or apply neat to the skin.
Products in 500ml and 1000ml sizes may come in aluminium canisters. - Cinnamon Leaf Oil may be cleansing, anti-inflammatory, calming, anti-depressant and soothing.