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I will be having a break next week so orders will be a bit slower but there will be someone attending to orders part time.
I will be having a break next week so orders will be a bit slower but there will be someone attending to orders part time.


The #1 green-home choice





Naturally anti-bacterial,
biodegradable and pesticide free

Soapnuts can replace:

Laundry powder/liquid

Bench top cleaners

Dishwashing liquid – Hand AND Dishwasher

Toilet Cleaner


Cloth Nappies Cleaners

Fabric Softener

General All-Purpose Cleaning Spray

Stain Removers

Pet Shampoo


100% Natural & Organic

The berries from the Sapindus tree are harvested by hand in Nepal, dried and de-seeded leaving them looking a little like nuts, hence the name Soap Nuts, and then shipped directly to us. The trees are grown on certified organic plantations.

Save money

500gm of Soapnuts can handle 75 loads of laundry at $19.00. That’s a cost of only $0.25 per wash. As a comparison the #1 rated Laundry Powder as reviewed by costs $22.00 for 31 washes. That’s $0.71 per wash. Switching to Soapnuts will save you $34.25 across the equivalent number of washes.

Save Your Health

Soap Nuts are non-allergenic as they're not part of the nut family - nut allergy sufferers need not be wary and they're also perfect for sensitive skin. Babies, eczema and dermatitis all give this one this one the tick of approval.

Save the planet

Naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbal they're a 100% pesticides free (originated from certified organic producers) eco friendly wonder cleaner. Once the nuts have been used up simply pop them into your compost or burry them into decompost. Further Soapnuts are grey-water and bio-septic approved.

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Saved hundreds of dollars per year when you stop buying store-bought special purpose products and switch to our Soapnuts.

Ready to Swap? Try our easy to follow recipes and start using Soapnuts today!

All-Purpose Spray Cleaner

  1. Bring 10 Soap Nuts to a gentle boil in 2 cups of water. Careful not to over boil and lose the suds.
  2. Once boiling educe to a simmer, cover and let simmer for 1 hour.
  3. Allow to cool completely, discard the nuts and transfer to a closed container for storage.
  4. For an all-purpose spray cleaner pop 500ml of your Soap Nut solution in an empty spray bottle with 2.5mL of your favourite essential oil aroma or blend.

We recommend Eucalyptus Blue Mallee for a refreshing anti-bacterial spray, Lemon Myrtle for an uplifting cleaner or have a play with Rosemary, Peppermint and Lemon for a different take on a standard bench spray.

Liquid Laundry Detergent

  1. Bring 10 Soap Nuts to a gentle boil in 2 cups of water whilst being careful not to over boil and lose the suds.
  2. Once boiling reduce to a simmer, cover and let simmer for 1 hour.
  3. Allow to cool completely, discard the nuts and transfer to a closed container for storage.
  4. Add 6-8 drops of your favourite anti-bacterial essential oil such as Eucalyptus Blue Mallee or Lemon Oil. Or, if you want to freshen up your laundry with your favourite earthYARD blend swap the anti-bacterial oil your chosen scent.

To replace your usual liquid laundry detergent, substitute the store bought concentrate to 2-3 Tablespoons of your Soap Nut Solution. We recommend this for front loaders especially as it produces less suds than the nuts themselves.

Chemical-Free Toilet Cleaner

  1. Start with the base solution: Bring 10 Soap Nuts to a gentle boil in 2 cups of water. Careful not to over boil and lose the suds.
  2. Once boiling reduce to a simmer, cover and let simmer for 1 hour.
  3. Allow to cool completely, discard the nuts and transfer to a closed container for storage.

Toilet cleaners are also bleach smelling or lemony in aroma. We recommend trying something different and adding 2.5mL of Bergamot, Rosalina or Niaouli for an anti-bacterial clean. Add your oil of choice to 500ml of soap nut solution and squirt around the toilet bowl as you would standard toilet cleaner. Leave for 10 minutes, scrub and flush.

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