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Do you have a winning recipe for natural beauty or household products that you would love to share with the earthYARD community? Submit your entries to enquiries@earthyard.com.au or PM/DM us through insta or facebook for your #chancetowin a $50...
Supporting Australian produced products is our goal. Every year we come across new producers trying to establish oil plantations locally that would typically be grown overseas. EarthYARD is proud to announce that we have the first Australian produced Camellia oil.
Take a journey down many of our beautiful country towns and you'll notice streets littered with Peppercorn trees. Funnily enough, this tree Schinus molle is not a native to Australia despite it's widespread appearance. Pink Peppercorn is actually a Peruvian native.
Harnessing the power of Sea Buckthorn which has 12 times as much Vitamin C than oranges PLUS is super rich with Omegas 3,6,7 and 9, Vitamin E and A. This winter serum will have you protected, soothed and restored.
Carrier oils, basically they carry any essential oil. Hence why these oils are so widely used in aromatherapy and massage. Not only are they nourishing and versatile as ingredients on their own they are the foundations of natural skin care and cosmetics around the world.
What types of products that can be created when using oils as base ingredients. This week we want to touch on how essential oils can become a necessary companion to each season and the trials and tribulations we face over the course of a year.
No other product out there is as versatile. The rich variety of fragrances means there's something out there for everyone. Need a healer? Tick. Need to calm down? Tick. Need to be picked back up? Tick. Tick. Tick.